
Thursday 4-10 afternoon

Reposted from my myspace
Xion Dobson Braswell

We called PACN (pregnancy Assistance Center North) this morning and were referred to a Dr. Rawson who is a christian. We made an appointment with him to get a second ultrasound.

Just got back.

The US tech said, shes pretty sure its a boy.

Of course since he is so small we wont know 100% until we see him.

But thats what she thinks and I saw what I thought was a peepee.

She said he is about 8 inches long.

Dr. Rawson said that he has been deceased almost a week but not totally and that he probably died around April 3rd.

I have two US pix of him.

Its the same exact pic but one is plain and one is explained for those of you who have trouble with them.

We are going to wait until God delivers him and I will be going in every week so Dr. Rawson can check my blood and make sure im not in any danger.

It could be up to a month before I deliver.

I have total peace with all of this and I hope all of you who love me do also.

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